Now Enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year! | |
ACCA will build upon every student's skill set and assist them in growing into independent thinkers and goal-oriented individuals. |
Reach OutYou DO have a choice in your child’s education. Call 419.903.0295 today to get started.ExploreIn order to learn about your child's options, schedule an appointment today to tour our building, visit our classrooms, and inquire about our unique learning opportunities. |
Everyone deserves a chance to succeed! |
It may take some students longer than others, but ultimately ACCA believes in you! |
ACCA will provide the resources necessary to help your child succeed in the classroom and the real-world. |
We’re here to walk with your child all the way to graduation day. |
Ashland County Community Academy
716 Union St. Ashland, OH 44805
Phone: (419) 903-0295
Fax: (419) 903-0341